In the News

Calgary Hearld: Nelson: City council discovers we’re not sheep after all

Step by step, the Calgary we used to know, with its sense of shared community, disappears

Calgary Hearld: Homeowners against blanket zoning turn to restrictive covenants to block redevelopment

A growing number of households in Calgary are registering restrictive covenants on their land titles, pushing back against new city zoning regulations that allow for higher density in older communities.

CTV News: Lake Bonavista residents fight blanket rezoning with ‘restrictive covenants

A group of residents in the southeast Calgary community of Lake Bonavista are hoping their latest attempt to stop the city from ushering in blanket rezoning will fend off developers from looking to pave change in their community

CBC News: Another Calgary community turns to restrictive covenants with blanket rezoning in effect

Lake Bonavista residents launch initiative to prevent multi-family developments

LiveWire Calgary: Varsity residents dig into the details of restrictive covenants to limit density

Residents in a northwest Calgary community have begun to garner support for restrictive covenants limiting further densification in their neighbourhood.

City News: SE Calgary residents voice concerns for proposed development

Residents in Calgary’s Queensland neighbourhood are voicing their concerns over a proposed development that will see a single-family home turned into a multi-unit dwelling.

August 2024 Bonavista Bugle: Planning & Development - Restrictive Covenants

Local initiative to establish a Restrictive Covenant (RC) in the Lake Bonavista neighborhood. The RC aims to preserve the area's character by preventing the subdivision of lots and the development of multi-family housing, in response to recent zoning changes by Calgary's City Council.

Calgary Newsroom: City Council approves citywide rezoning

City Council approves citywide rezoning... will take effect August 6, 2024

Calgary Hearld: Public hearings for proposed blanket rezoning in Calgary: What you need to know

“For 95-plus per cent of projects that could create housing, the only thing the zoning process adds are time and cost.” Michael Zwiers told council that blanket rezoning would only benefit developers and not help with Calgary’s housing affordability.

City News: Nearly two-thirds of speakers at Calgary’s rezoning hearing were opposed to proposal

Over 736 speakers presented to city council over the proposal for blanket rezoning. Out of those speakers, there were 458 who were opposed (62.2 per cent), and 227 who supported the idea (30.8 per cent).